
Will Daugherty

President, Owner
Will Daugherty - Owner Evolve Inc

“Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.”

Walter Lipmann

For decades I’ve experienced first-hand the power of open and objective conversations and the exchange of ideas in the creative process. More importantly, I’ve witnessed the best ideas being shaped by thoughtful dissent. Meaningful progress doesn’t transpire in complacent or repetitive environments where people follow a path and not a vision.

Since founding Evolve over 16 years ago, I have had the unique opportunity to counsel business leaders from local companies to multinational organizations about their marketing. One of the most rewarding experiences I share with them is the Evolve process for discovery. This exploration deep into the companies I work with is the basis for the strategic guidance I am able to provide, and the genesis of the long and mutually beneficial relationships Evolve builds with every client.

Will Daugherty

BBA Marketing, MBA, Shenandoah University